Home NEWS Yami Unleashes a Demonic New Form in Black Clover (& Its Secret Power)

Yami Unleashes a Demonic New Form in Black Clover (& Its Secret Power)

Black Clover has returned with an exciting trio of chapters, taking fans deeper into the climactic final battles. This highly anticipated release unveils Yami Sukehiro’s demonic transformation, powered by a hidden strength he has kept dormant until now. As Yuki Tabata’s manga approaches its finale, it continues on a quarterly release schedule, building momentum toward its dramatic conclusion. Each season reveals crucial developments in the battles against Lucius Zogratis and the Paladins, but this latest update stands out as the most impactful yet.

This Fall, Black Clover delivered its biggest update, featuring three chapters spanning an impressive 61 pages. These chapters set the stage for the ultimate showdown involving Yami, Nacht, and the Paladin Morgen. Previously, Yami and Nacht were on the brink of defeat against their revived comrade, but a pivotal reunion with Yami’s sister, Ichika, turned the tide. Drawing on a newfound Dark Yoryoku form, Yami taps into his hidden potential, transforming into a devil-like figure to confront the relentless enemies he has fought all along.

Black Clover Returns With a New Form for Yami

Black Clover Chapter 374 revisits the intense battle between the Paladin Morgen and the tag team of Yami and Nacht. Boosted by Asta’s Anti-Magic, Nacht gains an edge, and Ichika enters the fray as a formidable ally. Despite their efforts, Yami is gravely injured after a seemingly fatal blow. However, a touching reunion with his younger sister, Ichika, changes the tide. She apologizes for wrongly believing he betrayed and massacred their clan in their youth, only to learn the truth years later. Yami, showing no resentment, reveals he had sought aid from Ryuya Ryudo, the current Shogun.

Though Yami’s wounds are severe, Ichika administers a mysterious black pill given to her by Ryuya before she left the Land of the Sun. Known as the Demon Soul Pill, it is a remedy their clan used to heal injuries at the cost of driving the user into a berserk rage. This transformation doesn’t stem from a desire to kill but from the unrestrained release of their power. While others in their clan struggled with its effects, Yami’s unique resilience enables him to withstand the pill’s influence, triggering an explosive rise in his mana and miraculously healing his wounds.

Shueisha / Viz Media

What Is Yami’s New Form?

In Chapters 375 and 376, Yami unveils his formidable “Demon God” form, showcasing a dramatic boost in power. With this new form, he effortlessly eliminates a Lucius clone with a single slash of his sword and deflects a Paladin-enhanced light magic blast from Morgen. Teaming up with Ichika, their combined strength introduces a new variant of Yami’s Black Moon technique. The duo’s “Black Heavens” combo attack absorbs Morgen’s light magic entirely, turning the tide of the battle.

Joined by Nacht, the trio overwhelms Morgen, ultimately delivering the finishing blow. Yami’s transformation signifies a pivotal moment in Black Clover, concluding one of the series’ final battles. As Asta’s mentor, Yami’s evolution mirrors Asta’s own journey of breaking past his limits. Now, it’s Asta’s turn to surpass even this newly achieved level of strength.