Naruto’s Shinki Return Brings Shocking Twist
(Photo: “Ryu” in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14
– Shueisha)
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 has surprisingly brought back Shinki in a way fans didn’t expect, as the young shinobi has fallen prey to the Ten Tails’ latest victim.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex has been steadily reintroducing characters to the sequel series following its three-year time skip, and the newest chapter has brought back Gaara’s son Shinki – but not in the way fans had been hoping for. The series has been getting more intense with each new chapter as Boruto and the rest of the Hidden Leaf Village fight against the Ten Tails invaders. However, with the end of these fights, Boruto himself is still a fugitive from the village and is enemy number one. That might not be the case for much longer, however.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is still working through the immediate fallout of everything that happened in the fights against the Ten Tails beings, and each one of them has been proven to have the kinds of abilities that each of the shinobi still struggles against. Each of these beings takes their power from someone who has been trapped within their Ten Tails trees, and it’s revealed in the newest chapter that the latest victim is actually Gaara’s son, Shinki, who hasn’t been seen in action in quite a long time.
What Happens in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14?
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14 picks up after the Ten Tails complete their attacks on the village, and Boruto is held in containment as an enemy to the village. It’s through him that they want to get as much detail on these new villains as possible, and he confirms for them that the Divine Tree people are indeed bred from the powers of those they have copied. And each of them seems to have a target that they personally want to devour. Amado suspects it’s due to the fact that they have gained knowledge, and thus want to seek out more.
He also explains that their leader, Jura, is not like the others as he seemed to have come from the Ten Tails specifically. He knows beating Jura is the only way to end things, and the rest of the village isn’t so keen on believing him and would rather take him out. But before all this comes to pass, Boruto is able to escape and things get worse from there. Shikamaru’s soon contacted by Kankuro, and he unfortunately confirms that the Hidden Sand Village has also been attacked by the Divine Tree fighters.
What Happened to Shinki?
Kankuro tells Shikamaru that both Gaara and Shinki had been taken down. While the two of them are still alive after the attack, Shinki has been captured within a tree. Hoping to explain more later, he’s reaching out to the Hidden Leaf to get some help as soon as they can get it. It’s then revealed that the fighters have sprouted yet another Divine Tree fighter, and it’s a new person named Ryu. Since each of them looks similarly to the person they are copying, it’s clear that this new foe is sapping away at Shinki’s power.
Ryu was the Divine Tree fighter that had been alluded to with one of the potential possible futures that Kashin Koji had seen when he was explaining his power with Boruto, and now it’s clear that this future has come to pass. But as there’s a new Divine Tree fighter with the intent to take down the Hidden Sand, it’s even clearer that the entire shinobi world is in danger from this group that’s getting stronger with each passing chapter that hits.