One fateful day, mysterious dungeons materialized on Earth from another dimension, unleashing hordes of menacing monsters upon human civilization. In response, humans were compelled to form hunting parties, banding together to conquer these perilous dungeons.
Within these hunting parties, individuals assumed distinct roles and jobs, including Knights, Warriors, Archers, Magicians, Assassins, and Supporters. Each job carried specific responsibilities when facing the dungeons’ challenges.
When Lu Benwei found himself transmigrated into this world, fate dealt him the weakest job of all—Supporter. However, fortune smiled upon him as he obtained the extraordinary One-click Support System.
The One-click Support System provided Lu Benwei with a range of incredible abilities:
Resource Support: With a simple click, he could receive a tenfold increase in experience, item drops, and monetary rewards.
Walk Through Wall Support: By activating this ability, Lu Benwei gained enhanced speed and the power to effortlessly traverse through solid walls, granting him unrestricted access to every corner of the dungeons.
X-Ray Vision Support: A click would dispel all obscuring fog, enabling him to effortlessly locate hidden chests and missions.
Health Lock Support: At the click of a button, Lu Benwei could temporarily render himself impervious to any harm, securing his safety within the dungeons.
Storage Support: With a single click, his storage capacity expanded limitlessly, allowing him to store countless items, pets, and runes.
“He can traverse walls, possess X-ray vision, and invincibility? Is that even a support system? It’s like he’s hacking!” exclaimed incredulous voices.
Indignant, Lu Benwei firmly denied the accusation.