Eustass Kid gets a metal makeover in this One Piece cosplay.
This totally awesome One Piece cosplay is bending metal with Eustass Kid!
Get ready to be blown away by the latest One Piece cosplay that brings Eustass Kid to life in a way you’ve never seen before! The Egghead Arc has shaken things up for the Worst Generation, and this incredible cosplay is the perfect representation of Kid’s awesomeness!
As the first major arc for the Final Saga of Eiichiro Oda’s original manga franchise, One Piece has been making some big changes. While Luffy’s path after Wano led him to Dr. Vegapunk’s future island laboratory, it sent both Law and Kid onto direct collision courses with two of the Emperors, Blackbeard and Red-Haired Shanks.
Recently, One Piece showcased how Kid ended up crossing paths with Shanks, and despite his impressive performance against Big Mom at Wano, it’s clear that the gap in strength between him and Shanks was too wide. This led to an immediate loss, and it’s made Kid’s future all the more uncertain. But while we wait to see what Kid does next, artist kohcoz on TikTok has brought Kid back to life with absolutely metal cosplay!
Check out this incredible cosplay below:
@kohcozafter 4 weeks, he is finally HERE! every part of his cosplay was created by us #onepiece #katsucon #eustass #kidd #captainkid #eustasskid #cosplay #eustasskidcosplay
How to Catch Up With One Piece’s Anime and Manga
If you want to go back and check out the One Piece anime from the very beginning (along with various OVAs, movies, and other specials), you can find the entire back catalog streaming with Crunchyroll with both Japanese and English language dubbed audio. The newest episodes of the anime, One Piece: Egghead Arc, are now airing weekly and are available to stream with Crunchyroll and Netflix alongside their initial release in Japan.
If the manga is more your speed, you can also find the newest chapters of the One Piece manga (with the three most recent chapters being available for free) with Viz Media’s digital Shonen Jump library or Shueisha’s MangaPlus service if you wanted to read ahead to see what’s coming next instead. There’s also the entire back catalog of the decades-long series available as well.
There are still even more ways to enjoy One Piece such as the live-action One Piece series with Netflix, which is now in the works on Season 2 for a release in the near future. There is also a brand new anime remaking the One Piece series from the very beginning with Netflix, The One Piece.