Dragon Ball: Sparking! Trailer Reveals Final Roster for Zero Game
Image via Bandai Namco
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Bandai Namco Entertainment has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, a new game in the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi arena fighter franchise. The trailer reveals the characters from the Dragon Ball Super anime, as well as Goku (Teen) from the original Dragon Ball anime, and adds characters from the Dragon Ball Z movies and the upcoming Dragon Ball Daima anime to form a 182-character roster.
The game’s producer, Jun Furutani, also previewed Episode Battles and Custom Battles. Episode Battles follow the stories of Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Future Trunks, Frieza, Goku Black, and Jiren.
The new characters from Dragon Ball Super are Frieza Force Soldier, Cabba, Frost, Toppo, Cabba (Super Saiyan), and Cabba (Super Saiyan 2). The new characters from the Dragon Ball Z movies include Broly (Z), Broly (Z, Super Saiyan), Broly (Z, Legendary Super Saiyan), Cooler, Cooler (Final Form), Metal Cooler, Android 13, Fusion Android 13, Super Garlic Jr., Dr. Wheelo, Lord Slug, Lord Slug (Giant Form), Turles, Bojack, Full-Power Bojack, Hirudegarn, Tapion, Janemba, Super Janemba, and Super Gogeta (Z).
The game will launch on October 11 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. Pre-orders will include six exclusive characters, and the game will have a Premium Collector’s Edition, a Deluxe Edition, and an Ultimate Edition, which will grant early access to the game.
The first 24 announced characters include Goku, Vegeta, and their various forms and transformations, as well as Gohan at various ages and forms, multiple versions of Future Trunks, Videl, Beerus, Whis, Master Roshi at base and max power, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Android 17, Android 18, Android 16, Android 19, Dr. Gero (a.k.a. Android 20), Cell and his various forms, Cell Jr., King Cold, different forms of Buu, Goku (Super) Ultra Instinct -Sign-, Yajirobe, Mr. Satan, Chiaotzu, Nappa, Saibaman, Frieza and his various forms, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Ginyu, Raditz, Dabura, Jiren, Super Vegito, Super Saiyan Broly (Full Power), Hit, Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk), Toppo, Dyspo, Kakunsa, Goku Black, Zamasu, Bardock, various versions of Baby, Syn Shenron, Omega Shenron, Pan, Goku Black Super Saiyan Rosé, Spopovich, Ribrianne, Roasie, and Anilaza.
The game features Episode Battle, a single-player mode following eight different characters’ perspectives, with choices that may lead to “what if” scenarios that diverge from the original story. Custom Battles allow players to create battles with original scenes that can be uploaded online for others to play. The game will also include online multiplayer and offline local multiplayer, but the latter will be limited to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber arena.
The Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series began with the first game in 2005 for PlayStation 2, followed by Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 in 2006 and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 in 2007. The series also includes Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team, which launched in 2010 for the PlayStation Portable.
Sources: Email correspondence, Bandai Namco Website
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